conpher working with Publishers

how can conpher help a journal publisher?

conpher wants to work closely with journal editors and publishers to bring you closer to your authors and power your publications forward.

By its nature, conpher wants to celebrate and promote great journal publication experiences. What better way for your journal to grow in reputation than receive enthusiastic and positive feedback from the actual authors who trust you to publish their research.

OK, it may not always be positive, but criticism can empower you to review your activities. Maybe there has been a temporary weakness or an issue you had no overview of. conpher will help you keep in touch with the views and experiences of your authors.

Turn author reviews into increased submissions!

Earn conpher stars that drive more authors to your site.

Working with conpher to conduct surveys of your authors’ publishing experiences immediately increases confidentiality and anonymity. This allows respondents to open up and provide that candid feedback you crave. It’s impossible to generate usable data when answers are given in half-truths, for fear of being identified.

And conpher can benchmark your survey replies providing you with objective, comparative and enduring data. Benchmarking gives you an edge on your competition by illuminating your strengths and weaknesses in a relative way.

Get Involved: Please contact us by completing the form below. Have your journal information and data correctly displayed.
