conpher working with University Offices of Scholarly Communication

how can conpher help a university office of scholarly communication?

the conpher platform acts as a forum for academics and researchers. Our aim is to provide guidance and information regarding publication of research, and we want to work with universities to offer another channel of communication.

When a user registers with conpher, we ask them to identify their affiliated university or organisation. We then have the facility via the user’s conpher account to communicate and alert university staff to the services of their OSC.

On the basic level we want to provide all conpher users with links to advice and services from their own university and from their Offices of Scholarly Communication. Display contact details and website addresses for the specific university. We can also provide reminders and notifications to users of their university’s publishing policies – it could be open access related or reminders to submit content to university repositories. The options are unlimited, and conpher is happy to discuss with any OSC possible activities.

Get involved: Contact us by completing the form below to find how you can get involved.
